Monday 7 December 2009

More finalised titles style

I really wanted to create some interesting titles and i have been experimenting with many different ideas. Here is a multi layered smoke effect which i really like and think will be the final design.

Some Tests in After Effects of SFX

These are some tests i have done to learn more about the effects i will need in my final piece, i was originally planning on using a large airsoft bb rifle but now it is unfortunately unavailable so i think i may have to settle for what i have got. I think this illustrates the importance of the muzzle flash recording and the way in which it is used.

This video demonstrates the muzzle flash and the false blowback , which may i add is really very easy to do. I like the way that the actors eyes close when he fires it for added "realism"...ha

This was an example of the sort of explosion which may be involved.

Some Tries With After Effects 3d generator

I followed some tutorials on how to make some 3d effects in After Effects, for what they are they look ok and the camera track option is really quite a nice addition, however i think its limitations are clearly visible.

Issues With Filming

Unfortunately this week i have had issues with my filming, due to my late realisation that i needed to book the studio theatre ideally. So for now hopefully with the aid of a friend with a car i will be able to take the small green screen and some lights and an xdcam home to shoot with.